Rich Goodale,
Your loss, giving 4 shots, to an "inferior" players might just as well prove any of the following:
1. Your opponent is a amoral sandbagger.
2. You carry a vanity handicap that you cannot play to under pressure.
3. He had a good day.
4. You had a bad day.
5. Golf is a funny game.
6. Golf is often not a fun game.
7. Giving strokes wasn't a great idea.
8. Fill in the blanks with your own pet theory.
I think, however, that if you want your Sunday afternoon match to be used to prove, once and for all, a particular thesis about golf course architecture, you are going from the instance to the generalization a bit more than is generally permissable in research.
By this standard of research, for instance, Florida could be expected to be hit by two hurricances in a two-week period EVERY September, when in reality this year was the first time in 85 years that two had hit so close together. Or, that in American presidential elections the winner is that candidate that finishes second in the popular voting.
Possibly a bit more academic rigor is called for here before I jump off the bridge...