the pic is actually from a practice round from the 1931 National Amateur.
>Is there any reason you know of why that US Amateur photo was not used as the template to restore exactly to?
actually, it was pretty faithfully followed.
thses photos don't do justice to how well prichard actually did in this regard.
there was a bunker left that was cut off in the '31 pic that ron put back in. this must have been removed years ago.
at the front right and left of the '31 green, a couple 'mae wests' appeared - ron put those back in.
as far as the 'tongue' you referred to, perhaps that area isn't as large as it had been between the hazard and green. after all, the pond has been reworked and dug-out over the years and probably expanded a bit.
a couple other points to note: this hole only played about a max of 130 yards back in '31. in the ensuing years, yardage was added to the back of this tee, but even up to last year, anyone playing at about 140 yards or back could not see the water.
so ron raised the back tee, shortened the front of the tee, shaved a bit of surface from tee to water, and raised the water-table 18-inches so now the hazard is visible from any where on the tee. a marked improvement!
this being the only water hazard on the course, some may question why seeing water - that shouldn't even come into play for most players - should be important. this improvement was emphasized when a well-known pro rinsed his tee shot in our recent pro-am!