Tom S. I am not sure what my petty jealously is, but I think you misunderstood some of my post, and understood other parts. I respectfully disagree that the ultimate work will be that of Jack and Gary. Yes, they may give direction, but will they be on the bulldozer to or will they rake the final contours of the greens? I doubt it. The day-to-day input will come from the head guy on site, assuming he is on site. His background seems to lend much expertise on construction, but I didn't see anything on restoration. Perhaps through your experience, even with stakes, the shapers make minor changes or input their personal interpretation of what the design firm wants.
Further you seem supremely confident that if the University desires a restoration, then that is exactly what Jack and Gary will give them. I question this, only because of the Nicklaus design firm's inexperience in true restorations.
I appreciate you posting and responding. This means you have interest in discussion of golf course architecture from the past. Call it a petty jealously if you will, but I was a first hand witness to the dismantling of some holes of a great course, Riviera, by a design firm who will little interest or experience in restoration, and little interest in learning about it. Modernizing is just something that doesn't interest me in golf course architecture, and I am suspicous and frustrated by folks who sell themselves as restorers, when they only put their personal thoughts on a design of a past architect.
For further info on this read "Beware the Restorer" on Tom Doak's design website.