Common comments heard in my career as a supt.
"The course is awesome" (after first cut of overseeded rye. The course was actually a mud pit because of all the water needed to germinate overseed, but it was stripped up nice.)
"The course sucks, why did you kill all the grass?" (during overseed prep when all the bermuda is scalped and dried down, a F & F lovers heaven)
"Your greens are awesome. Man, do they hold a shot" (after two inch thunder storm, they were really bumpy shit, but you could hold a scalded 3-wood)
"if you don't fix these greens you'll be looking for another job" (said by my boss after one of our member guests tourneys. The greens were actually perfect, but they were firm, and a bunch of 20 handicappers had been ragging on him all day long)
Gentleman, for every article you read or comment you make about dry turf, your supt. has heard it tenfold about all the agronomic advantages of dry turf. But, firm, fast, off color turf leads to employment decline syndrome for the vast majority of turf managers. Your preaching to the choir.