I was talking to TommyN about Trump (amongst other things) yesterday. Trump has a carefully constructed modus operandi and caricature image that's an interesting cross between Toynbee's remark (I think);
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public"
PT Barnum's quote (I think);
"A sucker is born every minute".
Trump did say that "Trump National" course in LA was going to be the most expensive course in history ($200 mil).
However, for both historical interest and comparison we should note that other great course promoter of his day, C.B. Macdonald (who really did have taste), was not averse to bragging about what his golf courses cost, including Mid Ocean, Yale ($450,000) and particularly Lido ($750,000-$800,000). The latter in its day was probably perceived to be as expensive as Trump National LA in our day.
Bob Huntley:
Donald Trump's hair, I'm also convinced, has to be a carefully thought out caricature too----it's just so bad I think it actually works to get the effect he's probably looking for. It'd be virtually impossible, in my opinion, for anyone on Earth to be serious with a haircut like that!