It is rumor, or at least in my circles, I have heard from a very noteworthy few that Mr. Fazio has over-seen or in this case cleaned-up the bunkering at Pine Valley. Given my great love for the place, I would find this to be very alarming, because Pine Valley is meant to be scrubby, unkept and most of all, very natural.
If you look at those bunker edges, they are way too clean. For a better view, pick up a copy of The Golden Age and tell me if you don't notice a difference. Most of all, they have also been preported to have an immense tree clearing program in place, and thats a great thing, but the cleaning-up of the bunkers, well, like I said, it alarms me and I hate to think of it looking like Shadow Creek when they're finished. After all, shouldn't it be the Pine Valley that is dictating what courses like Shadow Creek should look like? Or was it just my imagination that Pine Valley--a leader--has accepted the modern ideal and that it, like Augusta National is changing in a direction from the principles that made it the special place that it is.
Please someone who has been there as of late--tell me that I'm wrong.