Another great topic!
As a player, no question a deep bunker gets my attention. It has to be really deep, though, like over head high. As Texsport says, if you can't get out going forward, with some chance of getting to the green, it affects the aim point.
If it is shallow enough to go for the green, I challenge it. Why? Because like the cat burgler or petty thief, I don't really think you are ever going to get caught, and I am a reasonable driver. I know many better players would simply avoid bunkers, period, as it is better course management.
At one time as an architect, I thought my philospy would be to build fewer, deeper bunkers that really made the strategy. In general, I have gotten away from that, having succumbed to the lure of the attractive amoeba more than the lore of the deep pit. Also, I heard too many golfers complain about the consequenses of getting in bunkers. I also heard too many course manager complain about the slow play. (Although, as Tex will tell you, I did ignore that at the Quarry, where some bunkers are so deep, you swear you can feel the heat coming from the center of the earth' core)
Side note to self: Am I trying to be too clever with that comment? Will I get kicked of the approved poster list? Time, as the newscasters say, will tell.......
At other times, I liked the Eden concept, with a deep master bunker that would make you conservative, but with bunkers on the other side of the green or fairway to catch the too conservative play. However, if that play yields a longer shot at a worser angle, I now feel that those bunkers are largely unnecessary. Let the golfer figure out the penalty himself after years of trying, rather than tell him outright with "stop signs" on the other side of the target as well.
Hey, did I mention that this is a great topic?