Allen and Pete,
I don't think you understand how this rating system works, so allow me to explain. There are some 130 N.C. panelists. If only 20 of them get to play a course, say a private club like Old Town, and all 20 rate that course in the Top 10 in the state, then that course will Not be rated as high as the course which has 100 raters play it, say a public venue like Tanglewood, and all 100 rate it somewhere around 30th.
The rankings are determined by a cummulative number of points, not an average, gathered from all ballots....the liklihood is that the more raters who play a course, the better that course will be ranked. Access is the key. If a private club is ranked high in N.C., then they probably have opened their doors to the raters in some form, potentially through arranged outings.
Please note that I am not an advocate of this type of system...."Average scores" would produce more accurate results!