Leon<P>5 places I ain't been to, but want to:<P>Royal Melbourne<BR>NGLA/Shinnecock<BR>Pine Valley<BR>Sand Hills<BR>Bandon/Pacific Dunes<P>(sorry Merion, Cypress, etc.)<P>5 places I've been to that I can't wait to get back to:<P>Rye<BR>Myopia<BR>St. Jean de Monts<BR>Woods Hole<BR>Dornoch<P>(sorry Pebble, Lahinch, Portmarnock, Olympic, Ballybunion, San Francisco, North Berwick, Prairie Dunes, Prestwick, Harbour Town, Spyglass, Lytham, Muirfield, et. al.)<BR>
I know it's weird replying to one's own post, but this is a good thought experiment and it's been over 4 years since I last answered these questions. Firstly a progress report. Since July 2001:
--I managed to knock off NGLA/Shinnecock and Pacific/Bandon Dunes from the cherry list. Each very much worth, in its own way, the wait.
--Outside of Dornoch (a slam dunk) only Woods Hole was seen again from the oldies but goodies list (but that was a great one, as I expected.....)
--I also managed to play some of the "also rans" from my initial lists, and was not let down by any of them.
So, what about December 2004? Ta Da!
Top 5 Never Played
Sand Hills
Pine Valley
Royal Melbourne
Friars Head (walked it, but that's not enough)
The Country Club (born in Boston, great grandfather a member there, a striking hole in my resume!)
Top 5 to Play Again (excluding Rye and St. Jean de Monts, which I hope to have arranged to play again soon, and Dornoch due to the expectation of repeated doses over the next 30 years....)
Myopia (was a mile away this summer, but had better things to do.......
NGLA (Shinnecock is "better" but NGLA owes me a fast and firm day....)
Pacific Dunes (want to see how it has evolved. Has it moved from being just very very good to great?)
Winchester (part of my golfing DNA, and I was stunned how good it was this summer. Need to see it again)
Painswick (in far too many ways which are far too difficult to express, this is as good, in its own way, as it can get).