Tom hit the mark in saying that the architect has total control of what is ON THE SITE. The architect does not have total control of WHAT'S OFF SITE (i.e. surrounding, beautiful views).
If the architect can add to his site by weaving the course at or near elements that are gorgeous more power to him and the routing plan.
I'll give you a good example of a top flight course that opened this year -- Carnegie Abbey in Porstmouth, RI.
The course is a tour de force design by Donald Steele and weaves its way on property that is absolutely dynamite. The holes and accompanying strategy is something all GCA interested observers should play if possible.
On the 16th hole just over a mound that separtes the fairway from out-of-bounds is a hideous factory plant.
Did that take away from the total experience -- not one iota!!! There are plans by the ownership team to eventually buy that parcel for expansion purposes, but it's still there now. Hell, the Homestead, America's mega luxury example of accomodations and quality golf, has a paper mill plant just down the street from the course. Ever sniff the beautiful fragrance these babies produce???
Another example is Commonwealth National in Horsham, PA. I like the course, but given what a number of people have already stated I guess the course must be considered in a less than positive manner because of the immediate proximity of Willow Grove Naval Air Station and all the attendant noise from arriving and departing military jets.
Do we demote East Lake because its surroundings is clearly modern day urban America and not the traditional bucolic setting??? What about a number of classic courses in the UK and Ireland that have adjacent railroad tracks and the like and the incessant noise that comes from that type of location? What about pre-existing abutting homes. Do we demote the course because of noisy kids??
I can go on and on and on with different examples. Bethpage Black has a garbage dump in the immediate distant view from the 1st tee. You get an even better view from the 13th tee. Does that take away from the Black. Again, not one bit.
Too many times surroundings are a camouflage to designs that are just average. I'll say again -- play Pelican Hill in So Cal and you're mouth will just drop with the views of Catalina Island in the distance on a clear day. Fazio did a splendid job in giving the golfer superlative views. The golf, minus a few holes, is really ho-hum. Ask most people about the course and they will tell you it was gorgeous -- the question is what was gorgeous? -- the views or the course???
Guys, it's time to understand the "dumb blonde theory." Looks good ... but has nothing inside the old noodle.
As I said before the surroundings do influence me, but it's more of minor role. Do we give credit / bonus points for courses simply because they are in beautiful Hawaii as opposed to some gritty urban location?
The architecture is related to the on-site property that the architect has a direct hand in shaping. That's first and foremost for me. I'll look at the other aspects but only in a secondary role. I play golf on real holes with real strategy. Botton line --my eyes notice the surroundings, but my mind is focused on the golf course within the boundaries. That's my priority ... first and foremost.