D. Moriarty:
I do see your point, no doubt about that and it's a very good point, and I'm sure that most people would agree with the way you look at this question. For some reason I don't though and I tend simply to look at the architecture itself, what the architect himself did and just leave it at that, at least when it comes to analyzing JUST architecture!
I have no problem either considering the surroundings of a golf course as something separate from an architect's architecture and critique the whole package as part of a golf setting or whatever. But I think if we are doing architectural analysis we should stick strictly to what an architect himself does with a particular site and just leave the analysis of his architecture to an opinion of whether HE DID ALL THAT HE COULD DO OR NOT.
Otherwise, maybe we should refer to an architect as more than an architect and call him a site analyzer as well and critique him for taking a poor site and the location decisions he makes although the architecture he created on that poor site may be brilliant in and of itself.
Don't laugh, I really don't think such a critique is necessarily unreasonable, but it would get into more than architecture and into site analysis--which may be something he should do--discriminatingly picking his canvas, as you implied above! And maybe we should critique an architect for that too, albeit separately.
If we want to go that far, I have no problem with that either and in that case we could probably question or consider why he might have taken such a site with such surroundings but to me that's a separate question than what he did architecturally.
If you don't do it that way then I think the world and even us get into criticizing an architect for things he has no control over, other than his decision to take the job or not and that to me is not golf architecture either, it's just someone's decision.
This is why I have additional respect for an outfit like Coore and Crenshaw (and some of the others). They take sites sometimes that they know have problems that they will not be able to make perfect. But they do the best they can and in my opinion have done some amazing things in an architectural sense with some less than good sites and surroundings. I'm sure they realize they will be criticized for failing to do things even if they know they could not control them but they do the best they can with the architecture that they can control. Because they do these things does not diminish their architecture or them as architects, in my opinion.
I don't think that the architect that built Grand Central Station was responsible architecturally either for the surroundings of his building. You may think so but I don't. Certainly he could have made the decision not to do it at all but he did it anyway. And as far as I'm concerned the architecture of Grand Central is just as beautiful as it always was, you just have to look a little harder to see it. Nothing has changed with its architecture so it is just as valid as it always was. And I suppose you could return it to what it was once in the eyes of and the opinions of people like youself who think the architecture has changed somehow or been affected.
You could do that by tearing down what we used to call the PanAm building behind it and backdrop it again with the sky! And then you would think that it was good again, where I think it always has been.