To my understanding The Kingsley Club was in play for consideration this year. As a panelist I did not receive any updates indicating that it would be held until next year.
The course, from my understanding, was open and available for rating reviews within the time line stipulated by the magazine for consideration for 2001. If I am in error I'm sure I will be corrected.
Mike Cirba:
I'll be posting more info on the rest of the results of the "Best New Survey" in the following days.
What amazes me Mike is that while I am still flabbergasted that TKC did not win, I cannot believe for one minute, change that -- one second, that it would not be among the top five private in the United States!
Again, it comes down to whether enough panelists visited the course or if there were enough visits why they voted as low as they did. I know what I saw and I was absolutely blown away by the quality of detail demonstrated by Mike DeVries.
TKC is a tour de force design and I agree with others who say it will only gain more fanfare in the years ahead.
Tom MacWood:
You ask good questions. Just keep in mind that not all GD panelists vote in this manner -- starting with yours truly.
I have raised questions about the orientation of the panelists involved and why so many have been included in the past few years. Truly, not enough panelists travel far beyond their region. Designating them as "national panelists" is not really accurate or appropriate given their limited coverage area. There is also the question about "cross comparison" voting. To put it simply -- if only 10 people saw one course and ten completely different people saw another courses how do you have the wherewithal to assess them jointly?
I try to review no less than 40-50 new courses per years and through a variety of sources, GCA included, base my travel plans on what is the "buzz" that I am hearing about new courses opening in the country.
Brad Miller:
The Bridge was not considered this year because it's official opening was not until after July 1. It will be considered for the 02 survey as far as I know.
Tim Weiman:
The first question is simple -- I can ask Ron Whitten and find out if enough panelists actually got there to play TKC. Sad to say, this issue does happen and it's really a crime to those who are so deserving.
Last year I was one of the few panelists who actually played Paa Ko Ridge, the wonderful Ken Dye design northeast of Albuquerque. When I played the course in last August of 2000 only 8 other panelists actually had been there. Fortunately, just enough panelists did get to see / play the course before the September deadline and justifiably, in my opinion, the course won the award for the Best Affordable course in the USA.
Your second question -- if a course does not get enough panelists to visit in the year it is eligible it does not remain eligible for the next year. To my understanding, I don't believe there are any exceptions.
Appreciate your comments .. but, please keep in mind that many of my GD brethern raters are quite upset by the omission of TKC from the top ten. Many GD raters are not in it by any means for "freebies" or the opportunity to "network" or "rub elbows."
Many of us pay out of "OUR" own pocket to travel and see the courses listed. Many of us do take the time to listen to keen observers from a variety of sources (I include GCA as a main listening area).
I just want GCA contributors to really be careful when people periodically throw out some inane bomb that says "all GD raters" are such and such. MTWilkinson, I appreciate your comments in saying I am an "astute, thoughtful observer," but I will add there are plenty of others throughout the nation who review for GD who do as much as I, if not more. I am really disheartened that such a pure quality course could be completely forgotten.
I also understand that awards are not the end all. Nothing can take away the pure joy I experienced when playing TKC in early July. I trekked early on July 3 from just north of Whistling Straits and travelled across the top of Michigan to get to TKC very late that afternoon. I teed it up around 4:30 PM and I had a grand time playing a course of real distinction.
To those who are members of TKC and their staff I say thank you for giving me the privilege to see a superb design. Your exclusion -- does not diminish the superior quality of the golf you have by any bit in my mind.