Oh Pithy One (i.e. Ran for all the lurkers),
I consider your post to be a ridiculous misrepresentation of my thoughts.
If John Waters suddenly made a film like "Ordinary People" or "Sense and Sensibilities" after a lifetime of work characterized by "Women in Trouble" or "Polyester" or "Pink Flamingos," don't stand here and tell me or anybody else that you would not be shocked.
Gib was not kidnapped by space aliens either so I am hardly going to begin to sing the praises of his work based on one good effort.
At least give me credit for evaluating it with an unbiased eye. Just because I am surprised does not mean I am biased, just that my EXPERIENCE BASED ON A LIFETIME OF PLAYING HIS COURSES has led me to develop a perception (read: judgement) of his work.
Opinions can change, and if he continues on this path I shall sing the praises of his courses that present AN INTELLECTUAL CHALLENGE INSTEAD OF A PURELY PHYSICAL ONE.
I have not changed my mind about most of his previous work. If that makes me dogmatic and another mindless disciple of the Emperor, well so be it. Guys like Naccarato may have opinions, but they are based on what they have seen. He was critical of Schmidt and Curley and yet was the first person to state the Crosby National was terrific!
I like what I like and don't give a flying f*ck about ratings. If somebody creates good stuff all the time, my evaluation of their body of work is going to be positive. If not, well I take them as I find them and rate them as I see them. Remember, this is only my opinion - I do not pretend to have the definitive evaluatory skills that some of the other GCA'ers feel blessed with.
MPCC is pretty good and Rees did it.
Talking Stick South is a horribly generic golf course that astonished me in its mediocrity. Why the surprise? Because everyting else by this duo was IN MY OPINION ONLY damned good.
You want to talk dogma?
I LOVE the work of John Harbottle and Todd Eckenrode and I'll bet that I am in the minority here in the Treehouse. That is because what I have played has led me to believe they have the goods.
Neal Meagher has the goods in spades - but coming from me it would sound inappropriate.
RT Jones Jr's staff over the years has created some superb work - whether he did it or not. Yet he gets ignored here - except when somebody decides to nitpick something he has done.
RT Jones Jr. has done some terrible stuff, but his best work is amongst my favorite anywhere . . .
Where is the prejudice Ran?
How can I be guilty of preconceived notions when Mayacama bowled me over?
Maybe Jack has rehabilited himself! Who knows? Just like recovering alcoholics, indugent architects or pedophiles, anyone can eventually become productive members of society if they just take that first step!
Just say NO to indulgent architecture. It worked for Nancy . . .