I get around quite a bit and am old enough to marvel at the great improvement in this nations air and water quality.
It has never been better since probably pre industrial times, when the population was a tiny fraction of today's.
Does anyone else remember when the Cuyahoga river caught on fire?
Or that Lake Erie was almost as dead as its fisheries.
Or that the Hudson River south of Albany was totally polluted?
Today fish are once again being eaten out of these rivers.
The Connecticut River is once again enjoying a salmon run.
If these rivers are are that improved at their outfalls, then that speaks volumes about how clean they must be upstream.
I tend to agree with Patrick that we over regulate.
The various agencies just don't know where to stop at times.
When they achieve a certain standard they have the tendency to ratchet them up with newer and more restrictive goals.
I see this in the golf side and I consider myself a steward when it comes to practical conservation.
Earlier this year I put 2,000 acres, including 7 miles of riverfront, in a never to be changed easement that was the biggest donation for Georgia's Land Trust ever.
I am forming the Satilla River Center, a non profit foundation to foster all sorts of studies and educational programs about the river system.
My goal is another 10,000 acres in five years, which is realistic as I am realizing a critical mass and have a track record.
BTW, this has been done on my own private initiative.
I can be much more effective as an individual than working with a group.
A group would still be bogged down in committee.
Saw my first Florida [or should I now say Georgia] Panther just the other day.
I am not really sure why I am sharing this as I much prefer to be behind the scene.
I am writing this from a site in Baja California, where the standards for air and water quality are 1960's at best.