That logic isn't just mine. It is exactly what the club president said in his comments on the local radio show leading up to the Women's Am a couple of weeks ago. He said that is the process that places have to go through with the USGA. Schmooz, host a small tourney, schmooz some more, host a bigger tourney, keep schmoozing and hope they finally stop dangling that carrot and let you take a bite out of it. He basically said the same exact thing I typed up. So if the club pres at Crooked Stick and his spokespeople are saying it, then why would I disagree. I'm sure they know more about it than either of us.
I'll see if I can find anything about the changes at Crooked Stick. I just know it has changed a lot over the years since the first time I played it in 1990 or so. I don't know the highest ranking the course ever had, but I would be surprised if it ever cracked the top 50. I'm just guessing on that though.