This is a really interesting subject and thread and first post.
I would never want to question what any man thinks is beautiful aesthetically. After-all, these things and these questions are subjective and probably too personal, as they should be.
For my part, frankly I don't even know how to answer a question like this, since I guess I could find aesthetic beauty in a wide and diverse array of things----eg wholly natural, wholly man-made or perhaps any combination of the two.
However, I'm always reminded of something Max Behr said which I think is so important and so fundamental when one starts comparing golf course architecture as an art form or aesthetically to other art forms or just man-made forms.
Behr said the "medium" of the paint artist is paint and he is its master. Obviously the mediums of building architects are wood and steel and concrete and glass and such and the medium of the road designer builder is asphalt or whatever and with all those things the architect is the master of those "mediums".
But as Behr said the "medium" of the golf architect is the earth and he is not and never can be it complete master as in those other art forms. To do it well the best he can do is to understand and appreciate the workings and ways of its only true master----Nature.
Behr's justification of this opinion, at least in one sense, is pretty interesting and probably undeniable, which is if it were not so, in the end, Nature and her forces of wind and water would probably end up destroying it.