Lets just call BS on every single post here. A blanket statement is easier, fairly accurate, and less work than calling out every single incident!
Your post calls into question some related issues - like how much influence does this site have, who reads it, and has anyone ever hired someone based solely on the free flowing, but not always well researched opinions offered here.
If we believe its not read by many decision makers (at least seriously) then we can let the BS pass as harmless net chatter and why bother? Based on my experience, the BS here has never cost me a project that I was seriously being considered for. Now, my own BS here might have cost me some, but I guess I can't blame anyone but moi for that!
If we really think this site has an influence, then perhaps it ought to be held to a higher standard, but frankly, it is what it is. Its strength - free flow discussion - can generally turn to its biggest weakness - free flow discussion - faster than a NASCAR driver can accelerate from 0 to 60.