This is one argument I'll never understand.
The purists hate yardages, but they still have 14 clubs in the bag. Why not just go out with 2, a club to hit through the green and your putter? If you're so enamoured with being a "feel" player, learn to swipe your 5 iron around all day. Having 13 + a putter is proof that you're concerned with yardages. The only difference is that you eyeball the yardage and the other guy points a little laser gun at the flag for their the end, both will probably be within 7-8 yards of each other. Only in one case, the decision will happen much sooner.
The other part of the argument is that rangefinders eliminate the ground game. Bullhonkey. It's not like just because I know its exactly 183 to the pin, I'm going to laser-guide my iron shot right at the pin. I'm still going to play the correct shot at hand, whether that's a run up through the front of the green or fly it all the way to the hole. Just because you have 183 in your head, not all other numbers are smitten.....170 with a few bounces and a roll is still in the game.
Rangefinders speed the game up. That's a win-win for everyone. Nobody complains when someone is out there slapping a persimmon or hickories all over the yard, when in fact they probably slow down a round.
And finally.....most golfers can't hit it exactly 183 on call. That's a fact. However, they're still better off than just guessing.
Rangefinders haven't made golf easier. They don't help you hit the ball one iota. They simply give you information that you want, quicker. On that note, I don't even own one.
Live and let golf.