My biggest highlight was finding this website and then being able to participate. Love this place and look forward to "peeking in" to see what is happening each day. Through this I was invited to Aldarra by Sean Leary which was a treat and also had the pleasure of meeting young Borat, ie. Jordan. We were able to play Sahalee a week later. It is great to see a young man with that kind of enthusiasm.
As for golf, it was hard to beat 4 days at Bandon last April and looking forward to it again for the third year. It is truly a special place.
Got to Mesa Verde in Southern California, (never mentioned but a good course) played in the Sahalee invitational and became a member at Predator Ridge, near Vernon BC, a favourite.
Finally, I have always been a slow learner but after playing this game since I was a kid, reading about it, watching great golf, disdaining instruction which I thought would only mess me up, I finally feel like I have grown up and all of the knowledge I have gained over the years has finally sunk in! I am playing smart golf, in tempo, thinking of course management, all those things I have always known about but did not appreciate until now. Handicap is down and enjoying it more. I am 59 years old and have finally started learning.
All of that gives me a great feeling about the year to come and I am working out to stay loose so the ages do not take it away too quickly!
Therefore, good year and really looking forward to '07.
Would love to organize a get together of GCAers in the North West and suppose the Seattle area would be the most accessible for those from Portland area and up here near Vancouver and over in Victoria. For those in this part of the world, if we can organize something in Victoria or say in or around Seattle, we could have a gas. Alternative would be in the Okanagan Valley. Jordan, lets get working on it!