I had forgotten about Tripp Davis and from my personal experience he is the best.
It was about 4 years ago in Orlando at the Champions Gate International links sort of course (Normans) it had only been open a year or so and I was with Tripp on a business outing. We paired together and neither of us had ever seen the course before. Prior to that time I had never played golf with Tripp, but I had heard that he had a steller amateur career and I believe he played briefly on one of the smaller pro tours. So we meet on the 1st tee and begin a great conversation throughout the entire 18-holes constantly talking about design in general, the course partially and everything in between, we never stop mind you.
So along the way I see that he is playing quite well, but I am not keeping his score, I am trying to see if I can count high enough for my own score and hell on several occasions he is giving me tips. So about the 15th or 16th hole he lips out on a long par four and he was upset, but I never gave much thought. We finish...hey Tripp what did you end up at man? "Well I played pretty well", not kidding I hadn't noticed, but what did you shoot anyway. In his slow southern lazy drawl he says "well that lip out on 15 cost me my low score of the summer and I ended up with a 66"! WHOA!
I was also fortunate to watch him the last three years at the Porter Cup in Niagara Falls NY. He is one of the more senior players and a perennial favorite with the fans, a real gentleman of the game and ONE HELL OF A PLAYER