It's all about how close to those faces your ball ends up
You've clearly described something formulaic,
something highly predictable, not random.
The closer you are to the face, the more penal the shot.
The further you are from the face, the easier the shot.
That's one of the most consistent, formulaic situations you could describe.
And, all of the brick sod bunker faces look the same, and are built the same way. That's formulaic.
God forbid something formulaic gets acknowledged as acceptable, if not excellent architecture.
You're in DENIAL.
You need Dr. Katz.
Dr Katz has two new assistants who specialize in DENIAL.
Dr Fazrees and Dr Vinny Boombatz.
Dr. Fazrees uses hypnosis.
Dr. Vinny Boombatz uses a .38 special.
Dr. Fazrees's treatments consist of 14 visits.
Dr Vinny Boombatz's treatments consist of one short visit.
Dr. Fazrees allows you to pay on an installment method
Dr Vinny Boombatz gets the money up front
Dr. Fazrees schedules appointments at his office
Dr. Vinny Boombatz makes unannounced house calls.
Dr Fazrees has a fixed practice
Dr Vinny Boombatz hires out as a consultant.
Oh, and if you select Dr. Vinny Boombatz, please leave
Coorshaw at home that day and make sure he's fed before your appointment.