Those questions help, as I didn't know what the hell you meant by the prior post.
1. Maybe yes, maybe no. I'd guess most do, because the place is a bastion of great architecture and is very remote. But some might not care much about architecture at all, and just like open spaces. I'd guess their membership is diverse enough to allow many viewpoints.
2. The types of friends I wouldn't take to Sand Hills:
a) those who's behavior I would worry about (it's a relatively laid-back place - but if I am going I am sure there as a guest myself - the last thing I could live with is embarassing my host, and sadly I have friends that I'd worry about in that context)
b) those who prefer parkland courses and would rather slit their wrists than walk (now I know SH allows carts, but to me the point of the place is to walk and the course plays better that way - riding is fine and I love it for 2nd/3rd rounds of the day there - but this is more an attitude they have, such that they might not find SH their cup of tea, but more importantly would really miss the point of the place)
c) those who could never get past the geographical location of the place. "What? You want me to go to NEBRASKA to play golf? Drive 6 hours from Denver for god's sake? Are you insane?" I have plenty of friends like that as well.
I love Sand Hills, god help me I do love it so. But hopefully this answers your questions. I would not expect all of my friends to love it. And in a way, that's another thing that makes it so damn cool and special.