I don't get how this helps anything. Sure, praising Sand Hills relative to Wild Horse is difficult, because anyone can just walk up and play WH cheap, not so with SH. Does that compenate for SH's higher ranking from an architectural perspective? Well, yes for some and no for others.
And while I think very highly of walkability and hardly ever ride on any course that allows walking (and have walked a good portion of some courses that require riding
) that's another thing that's subjective. Some people won't drop a course down at all for being cart only, and will drop a course to 0 if it doesn't allow carts if they are physically unable to walk 18 or are just too fat and lazy to do so.
Just dump the 2D, 3D and 4D hypercube that's undoubtedly the next step in this and try to create an equation. Here are some of the important factors:
WI=one's perception of the importance of walkability
FFF=fast and firm factor
TEP=one's perception of the importance of fast & firm
GR=greenness of the turf
ANGC=one's perception of the importance of greenness
SH=size of showerheads in locker room
F=how good the food is at the turn
G=availability of Guinness at the 19th hole
C=availability of caddies
DB=availability of top notch caddies without them double bagging
SASHA=availability of good looking female caddies
E=exclusivity of the club
ED=likelihood of eminent domain being exercised to take it over
T=need for tree removal program
TL=one's perception of whether more trees are better or worse
PD=penality of the course
Q=quirkness of the course
DOG=whether dogs are allowed on the course
FEM=whether women are allowed on the course
ME=whether I'm allowed on the course
I'm sure there's some stuff I've left out, like whether the course is actually worth playing. Anyway, just take all those factors, assign them appropriate weights, add them all together and that's the score. Whatever course scores the highest is the #1 course and all arguments over ratings will be over for all time, right?