GC - well, blush, gosh, ahem... sure I do get around. But here at home, I am indeed Joe Q. Public.
In any event, my point is that as Tyler so eloquently described, it's just hard for me also to accept a knee-jerk "restoration is better" view about any course. I know, that's not really what anyone has said here about SFGC and the comments have been limited to the specific holes and their merits and lack thereof, which is proper. To me it's just not cut and dried that the current holes are bad, and more importantly, that the restored ones would be better! I'd listen very hard to any member who presented this point of view - it is valid.
One way or the other, it is VERY fun to discuss. And it's exciting as all hell that SFGC is going to do this. One has to believe the process will be done thoughtfully, skillfully and artfully by Tom Doak's group. The end result will be a GREAT golf course.
But there's a great golf course there right now...