Tom, you are constantly looking through a one-sided piece of glass. You tell Philip that, "I'm looking for documented information." yet you make the statement, "Did anyone mention Old Tom--the talented and knowledgable architect? No. Is there a reason for that? I believe so."
Where is YOUR DOCUMENTED INFORMATION to make this more than a "less than a hunch" on you rpart?
I am willing to accept that you might have validity in your statement, but when another theory is presented that has at least a minimum of reasoning and proof behind it, despite it not even disagreeing with your theory, for that is all it is, you take issue with it for no apparent reason that is consistent with your own statements.
Tom, you didn't answer my question and I won't let you off the hook on that. I asked you 2 questions. The first was, "And by the way, in his not one, but many hundreds of articles, how often did Tilly write about any other architect, friend or foe? In these very few instances, did he ever mention personal discussions with the architect mention and the features of their designs as they explained them to him?"
Your answer tried to give the impression that you answered BOTH, but clearly you didn't, for where in your answer, "Yes, Tilly mentioned other architects and features: off the top of my head Crump, Colt, Wilson, Taylor and Macdonald. What does the fact that Tilly did or didn't mention other architects have to do with this? Are you saying if he didn't mention other architects it is OK to invent a scenerio in which an unmentioned architect had a profound influence upon his architectural aspirations." does it at all respond to this question, "In these very few instances, did he ever mention personal discussions with the architect mention and the features of their designs as they explained them to him?"
So Tom, for someone who states that he is so strongly against theory without documentation, you certainly make attempts to answer valid questions posed to you.
The reason for my two questions are simple. Yes, as you noted, Tilly did write about other architects and on occasion spoke about their work or designs, though NEVER in a manner that stated that I want to imitate this style or he has inspired my work at...
Does this mean that he wasn't impressed enough by the work of others that he didn't make attempts to imitate distinct styles and features? Of course not. He even went to great pains to assert that HE was the first to imitate the Mid-Surrey style of Alpinisation in America in his first real course at Shawnee.
Did he ever write about being enamored of the architectural style of the architect of Surrey and mention him by name? No, yet he was influenced by him.
According to you, if there is no written statement by name that architect A did this and I am influenced by it by another architect, then that person wasn't and anyone who concludes so has, as you stated about me, "just made it up."
Yet you can state that "Did anyone mention Old Tom--the talented and knowledgable architect? No. Is there a reason for that? I believe so" and NOT PROVIDE ANY DOCUMENTATION for this less than hunch and not be taken to task for itbased upon your own written demands for proof?
Tom, your stubborn reasoning in this and total misunderstanding of what I have written on this thread is surprising to me.
So there is no misunderstanding, All I said was that Tilly was INSPIRED by Old Tom. I never once claimed that Old Tom spoke with him about golf course architecture and/or course design, though to think he didn't is bordering on stupidity (this is a quality I don't ascribe to you). When have golfers ever not talked about how a course played, the troubles, hazards and features of it, with other golfers... especially when they meet someone of notoriety in the game?
Are you stating that Old Tom DIDN'T talk course features, design or architecture with Tilly? If so, what do you base THAT on?
Tom, we both have theories and ideas that we have come to believe as to motivations of people in the game now long dead. There is no way to prove that either is truth, so all I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to my conjecture that you do your own, for that is all it is.