I don't buy the time and money argument as a limiting factor in golf.
Time: There is negligible different when you add another 30 minutes to a 6 hour round. Those making a time commitment to play golf have already blocked out an entire afternoon.
Money: Sure you can buy the $500 driver. But you can also buy last year's model for $199.
I think the barrier to entry is more about desire with respect to leisure time alternatives (ie. Nintendo).
As for land usage, I would suggest that the legal system has increased the required acreage more so than course length. Wider gaps between fairway centerlines and more buffer to adjacent homes.
Wow, I'm almost not sure where to start here - but I will forge ahead nonetheless.
I often agree with a lot of what you post, Gary, but I think you're way off here.
Time? I rarely have an opportunity to block off an entire afternoon, but if 4 hours were the norm, or even considered slow, as it is overseas, I could definitely find time for more 9s and 18s.
If you wish to argue that technology has a minimal impact on time, that is another thing entirely, but time is certainly issue number 1 for me. I'd be surprised if it weren't #1 for a lot of people.
Money? Since the majority of new courses seem to bill themselves as championsihp courses, they must be by default over 7,000 yards from the tips. Regardless of where the regular men's tees fall, this is going to be a long slow walk. I suppose there are some rare instances with older courses where one might actually have to walk back to a tee, but you have to admit, this is rare.
Cart usage is equally at fault here - there is certainly a better than average chance that a 6,500 yard course would be equally unwalkable with many modern courses, because of the willingness of golfers to accept long green to tee rides. But it is hard to argue that without the obsession with championship layouts that can withstand a bunch of guys hitting 320 yard drives, we'd see more 6300-6500 yard courses built.
The extra yardage doesn't just add to the playing distance. As you noted, playing corridors do indeed have to be wider. Environmental regulations likely add to the problem here as well. But these are things that occur regardless of the technological state, so all these things being equal, a longer course will certainly add to both the time and dollar expense of playing golf.
I haven't purchased a club yet more than $120, yet the cost of playing golf is still quite high to me. My limited experience has been that the inexpensive 6500 yard courses around me are doing better than the brand new 7200 championship layouts, but that's purely an anecdotal observation. If golf were my livelihood, I'd reflect more on this, but it's merely my obsession.
I also don't own a Nintendo, so I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
As for DLIII, he is kidding himself if he thinks that technology won't affect him or his pocketbook. I don't know many people as obsessed with golf as me, and I have stopped watching the normal weekly events, because there is little entertainment in watching guys hit driver wedge every hole and whoever holes the most putts wins. Outside of the majors, the TPC, Kapalua and Riviera, I have almost stopped watching golf. That should scare the shit out of any PGA/USGA higher ups (I used to tape Sunday action every week to watch later if I was busy), but if they wish to stick their heads in the sand like the honorable ostrich, they should at least recognise the risk in doing so. The higher ups now aren't the ones who will pay the price - it's there successors who will.
I for one won't be too surprised if we start reading articles in a few years wondering who killed the golden goose.