So, Wayne the current setup resembles the 1930 setup in most respects except for
1) the relocated green on 2 (where was it before?)
2) the hollow on 14 that is now a hump. (just cause I'm curious, how do you know that it was a hollow?)
Also, what evidence is there that the bunkers on 4&5 were taken out by Flynn or the powers that be out of dislike?
From '31 to '46 Merion, either as part of the Cricket Club, or independently, never operated in the black, and indeed, for most of the period they were producing negative cash flows.
Some more salient points about the clubs financial situation:
In 1938, there was an operating deficit of $1,400, two years later that number jumped to $18,700 - the same year they deafaulted on the mortgage. By the time the club was separated from the Cricket Club in 1942, they had over $8,000 in negative working capital, with unpaid interest on the mortgage of $33,000, and the club and its golf course were in poor conditions.
So around this time, as the club was scratching to stay alive, you posit that Flynn was finalizing the course to his satisfaction.
Something doesn't compute.