From what I'm reading , the lowcountry where I reside [south georgia ] has more potential fear factor than what I assumed Austrailia had .......I routinely wear snake boots when starting a project in the field. I loose track of how many mean cottonmouths , cane brake, pygmy and diamond back rattlesnakes AND copperheads I encounter and / or dispatch annually,[this is in the 10 to 20 range ,not hundreds ].....last year I even had half a coral snake come out of a lighter stump I was cutting......big banana spiders [non-venomous , but 5 or more inches ] ,hang from eye level in 8' webs throughout the woods....but the one to be aware of is the brown recluse , whose bite ,while not deadly , will leave large necrotic festerings for months....I don't always see the many lesser catterpillers ,centipedes , spiders etc., but do try to guess what they might have been by my reactions to their ants really don't rate a sentence...but alligaters do.
And this is coming from a long lost yankee from the catskills whose youthfull experience with bad things was confined to mosquitos and no-seeums.
....but I love it here but can't wait to make the big trip to OZ ![why is it refered to as that?] worries , just right.