Mr. Doak, I was not suggesting that you cross the line, so let me make my thoughts perfectly clear.
I have no problem with you promoting your work on this website or anywhere else for that matter. I also don’t care when you decide to promote a project. People can read your opinions, and those of others, and take them for whatever they are worth. If Ran Morrissett thinks somebody has crossed a line, he can delete their post(s).
I just found it humorous that you, of all people, were asking for a standard for when it's appropriate to start talking about a project, particularly when your query was prompted by a post by somebody (Tony Chapman) unrelated to a project that you interviewed for, linking to that project's website. You made your feelings perfectly clear when you said: “What I don't like to see, and what I hate when a client expects it of me, is the promotion of a project which is trying to sell memberships so that funds will be available to build it.” If you truly feel that way, then you can refrain from speaking, but who are you to question other people’s actions?
Seems like it wasn't too long ago that Greg Ramsey was using to raise interest in and money to start construction of Barnbougle Dunes, where you were the architect of record. I sure don't recall you starting a thread like this one at that time!
Was Tony Chapman at fault for something? Was Geoff Shackelford not entitled to respond once the subject had been raised? In fact, would Mr. Shackelford have been wrong to bring up the subject in the first place? This is a golf architecture website and it sure seems that most participants want to hear about projects whenever somebody involved is willing to talk about them. Anybody with an interest in golf course architecture that takes the time to look at what was posted on the Prairie Club website will, I think, be fascinated by what they read and see pre-construction regardless of whether the project is financed or not!