Ted -
If it seems people are slow responding, understand that we've been Fazio bashing and bashing Fazio bashers for several years now. Also, in actuality, this thread is growing rather quickly.
My advice would be to go back and read the older comments of redanman, Mike C and Matt Ward, as well as a few others, if you truly want to know what others think of Pine Hill. Try to ignore Barney's tossing gas on the fire, too. There is plenty written that is worth reading.
As an aside, there is nothing wrong with a club offering different rates, nor is there any hypocrisy in someone who played for free opining that a course is overpriced relative to its merits. Mike's paid for plenty of golf and is more than capable of giving an opinion as to what a course is worth, regardless of anyone else's opinion of him.
Whatever happened at the Fazio Society's first annual meeting? Wasn't it this past fall?