Dr. Moriarty- you know me so well in some respects, so little in others. In light of all that's been said by the Left about conservatives, white males, southerners, people with strong religious convictions, and most Republican presidents, Rush opining that the Philly sports media overrated McNabb because of his race should not have even made the news outside of that city. Charles Barkley can openly disparage white basketball players for their inability to jump and play, Jesse Jackson can take very negative shots at Jews, and the Gore campaign ("not going to let a bunch of white boys win") can play the race card repeatedly without consequence.
BTW, while in NM, I retained the services of Doug Wright to represent me in any direct discussions with you. While Doug is probably much closer to you philosophically than me, your propensity to deal artfully with the language and those things legal prompted me seek the assistance of someone with similar skills. I hope that Doug will weigh in and start earning his fees.
The Limbaugh episode is prima facia evidence of the Left's strong media bias. That ESPN and so many were surprised and offended by Rush's comments is pure drivel. The show in question was rehearsed well before it went live, and it included Rush's allegedly racists remarks. Not one of the black commentators nor the ESPN brass jumped in to argue against it nor to suggest that the remarks were inappropriate. The show went on as rehearsed, ESPN received little if any negative feedback for nearly two days afterwards. Only after the Philly press made it cause celebre on late Monday and the Dem presidential hopefuls piled on did the story get legs. And just as a coincidence, the story about Rush's problem with pain-killers surfaces.
Rush is a big boy and he can defend himself. Whether his opinion is right or wrong, it is debatable. A thorough analysis of the QB's life statistics was presented this weekend and it does appear that something besides performance on the field accounts for the high reputation he enjoys. With the NFL's management hiring policy, it is clear that race is a major issue in the sport. Rush is more than willing to go toe-to-toe or mano-a-mano with anyone on the issues. Few take him up on it because they can't prevail. That there is not a successful liberal program of this type is not by accident. And those who believe that his 20MM listeners are a bunch of angry white guys, please keep deluding yourselves. The malcontent, the unhappy, and the functionally disordered are in much larger proportions among the liberals than the conservatives. Personally, I don't know how some of these people can get up in the morning with the world being so unfair, our unelected president such a fraud, the rich starving the poor, Republicans poisoning the environment, women being forced to bear children against their will, corporate CEOs (a white male, of course) making $40MM per year while minority kids who can barely read and write have to hustle to make minimum wage. If there is a God, he could not allow things be so unfair and unjust in this country! Maybe adding Prozac to the water with the flouride would have similar salutory effects.
David, I was under the impression that you believed that my views were actually quite simple, i.e. that I failed to appreciate the great complexities and various shades of grey which underlie our society. You are right that I am an unabashed capitalist wtih strong beliefs in markets. While it is far from being a perfect system, it is far superio than having you determing what I should buy, what I should pay for it, and whether my means clearly exceed my needs. I am not anti-regulation nor do I have a large problem with the will of the majority. I am very concerned with the tyranny of the majority when it comes to taxes and expenditures, and with an insiduous minority which can misrepresent the world at large and preys upon those with much inferior intellectual capabilities. As I have mentioned to you, if allowed to opt out from the continually failing, hyper-expensive social experiments, many of us conservatives would have no problems with the Left. The unfortunate thing is that while the Left hates us, it can't survive without our money. The art of the science is to keep the goose barely alive so the eggs keep on coming.
Laffler showed that there are two points where revenues to the government are maximized, one is at a low tax rate and the other is at the high end. It is not by accident that the liberals keep searching for that high point though the impact on the overall economy is to make it weaker. By definition a bigger government relative to the private sector means a stronger government. And it is axiomatic that a bigger, stronger government means fewer individual freedoms. Well, at least that way no one can say that the rich are getting richer; only that the bureaucrats are getting stronger. Do we really want to be like so many of the European countries?
On the issue of Bush overhyping the need to go to war, if he did, he should be held fully accountable for it. Do we begin processing a referral to the World Court to try President Clinton for bombing an aspirin factory in the Sudan upon false pretenses? Or could he have acted on information provided by the intelligence apparatus that he so carefully defunded and defanged? Could Bush have unwittingly become the victim of an intelligence liability created by the great Mr. Clinton? Tommy N. how much did Clinton earn last year from his book and giving speeches, primarily in Europe (where he is highly respected)? Something about $15 to $20MM? Not bad for a guy who only briefly drew a check from the private sector. And who said that government employment can't be profitable? Yes, I much prefer private sector elites than political elites.
JohnV- you are a fiscal conservative concerned with deficits? Me too. So why did Clinton allow the tech bubble to expand and burst? Why did the recession start on his watch? I know that the liberals believe that terrorist are not born, they are made and I guess that we make them in droves. But do you think that 9/11 on top of an already lethargic economy may have had an impact on Clinton's forecast of surpluses becoming Bush's deficits? As a computer guy, I suspect that you have a good understanding of mathematics. Can you tell me how a $100 billion tax break (I know, primarily benefitting the rich) results in a $7.5 trillion negative change in variance? I guess it must be the $80+ billion war, and the fact that people have more money in their own pocket and they will just piss it all away. Have we forgotten about the $200 hammers, $300 toilet seats, and tons and tons of dairy products which are routinely disposed by our highly efficient government? With the exception of national defense, what government programs do you know the liberals to be loathe to spend on? Don't we all know that if only we could spend more and more money that we would solve everything that ails our society? Pretty soon we will demand class sizes of one with a teacher making six figures for teaching two or three classes for eight months.
TEPaul- you are absolutely right, and I am a living example of it. Procrastination along with an errant driver are two of my larger failings currently. I have a lot of work to do, so, this is the end.