Tom Huckaby,
Very few of my fantasies have anything to do with golf.
Trust me, you wouldn't have fun from the tips.
You should also know the following.
The first time I played ANGC I was on the range and surprised myself because the ball felt great on the clubface.
We then went to the first tee there were three groups on the first tee, getting ready to begin the day. When it was our turn to play I turned to my caddy and asked,
"what are those tees back there ?"
he replied, "Those are the Masters tees"
I said, "What are these"
He said, " These are the Members tees"
So, I said, "Well, I'm not a member, I can't play from these tees, let's go back there"
Which we did.
Now, the groups waiting at the Members tees all had to move back, out of the way.
As I was getting ready to hit my tee shot, my caddy said to me.
"Mr Mucci, you take a deep breath before you hit this ball' To which I said,
"Don't worry, I've been waiting to hit this ball all of my life", and proceeded to rip a pretty good drive.
On a more recent trip I knew that becauase my game had changed and the course lengthened, that the tips were out of my league. Even if my game hadn't changed, the tips would now be out of my league.
And, it's not just the added length, it's the narrowness.
The tree planting has altered the course considerably, impacting tee shots dramatically
Look at # 11.
505 yards, blind off the tee, dogleg right, to a fairway 26 yards wide with dense trees on both sides.
And that's just the begining.
To a green with water to the left and rear, from a fairway that slopes down and away from you.
A green that Hogan is quoted as saying, if his ball is ever on that green, you know that he's missed the shot.
Since we have some common ground due to our experiences at Sand Hills.
Would you play Sand Hills from 7,445, with narrow fairways lined with trees ?
Listen to olde uncle Pat on this one, you'll have a better time.
And noone will call you a sissy.
John Cullum,
Aren't saturday's and sunday's hole locations pretty much the same every year ?