Thank you for a great story. I love it when I get to church and expect my parish priest to add some insight to some "significant current event", and then instead he delves into some centuries old principal that is of true significance. It is good when someone can show me that what is really significant.
Thank you for sharing why this book works for you. That is all that matters with a book. Can it work for the reader, by offering entertainment, insight, or some nourishment for the soul or mind? And for you, and for me, this book works. And for those who the book does not work, no matter. There are plenty of other books available.
One of the lessons I took from How to Read a Book (an incredible classic by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren), is that the reader needs both the "light" books and the "meatier, heavy" books. Also, that through reading, one learns to be a better reader. Through these lessons, I have stopped viewing some books as “simple”. There are certainly many books I prefer to avoid, and that seem to not offer me anything, but I can not therefore judge the reader who likes that book. That reader may get something from that book that I could not get, or that book may just not work for me.
The lesson, I will pass to my children is to not allow themselves to stop learning to be better readers and to not stop growing as a reader. And it does require harder some reading, to grow as a reader.
So for some of us Golf in the Kingdom really connects with something missing from our approach to golf. For others it offers nothing.