Subtlety makes greens hard to read.
Big contours are a lot easier to deal with simply because they are so big you cannot really miss the break. You may misjudge how break a particular putt has, but in general there aren't going to be too many misread putts going up or down a big tier. However, I think that subtlety is different.
When greens have subtle breaks, it can be extremely hard to gauge the amount of break to play, or even which way a putt breaks.
I also think that front to back sloping grens are, for the most part, harder to read, and simply because there are a lot more back to front greens where balls break to the front of the green.
Also, greens close to mountains, or large bodies of water, can be difficult to read sometimes, for the fact that you have to equate how much a valley, the water, etc will affect the amount of break in the putt.
Oh, and grainy greens, like Bermuda, are hard to read, at least for me, because as if reading a regular green isn't hard enough, you have to figure out how much the direction of the grass will alter how the ball breaks.