You're mowing the fields at Featherfield Farm
Do you know how to start the tractor
Do I know how to start the tractor??
What kind of question is that?
I've been mowing fields all my life. There's nothing better in life than mowing a field out here around day break. It's positively Hegalian.
But on that starting a tractor deal---my old Ford tractor (1954)---I'm afraid I had to retire it last year. It's now sitting out in front of the barn acting as something of a rusting art form. It apparently developed something of a mind of its own in the starting department in the last few years and it became too unreliable. When I feel the need to mow fields I don't want to sit there rattling wires and massaging chokes and shit.
So I got me a new Kubota tractor two years ago. It's the greatest and I like everything about it except perhaps its slight Japanese accent when it talks back to me.
BTW, the Kubota dealer tried to sell me a bucket and I told him in no uncertain terms did I want something like that because if I had something like that I would just figure out a way to make work for myself.
What I didn't bother telling him is---if I had a bucket there's no doubt in my mind I'd start building golf holes out here and then I'd have to keep going and maintain them every day.