Recently I got into a conversation about golf courses with a guest at work.
She was a member at Shoreacres, and we got to talking about Raynor and his some of his courses. However, talking about Shoreacres intrigued me a lot. The course runs through natural ravines and has some highly original holes, as I have heard, even though the course does have some templet Raynor holes.
For a while I was intrigued by the course looking at Ran's old review. Recently, the review was updated with new pictures and write ups, and now the course intrigues me even more. Blind shots, shots over ravines, a cool looking version of the road hole, and other cool features. The second hole looked pretty cool too, seemingly quite dauning to a back pin.
Having already talked with a couple people about the course, wonder if others have anything to add about the place.
How does it difer from other Raynor courses?
Are his template holes (especially the par-3's) at Shoreacres some of his best?
Is Shoreacres one of Raynor's most original courses?
Being in the same area as Chicago Golf Club, are these perhaps the two best Raynor courses within 100 miles of each other?
Simply put, for me the course looks really cool and intriguing. I would love to hear some other thoughts.