You know, I'm not sure if JES is on the right track, though I think he may be, at least in getting close to a ball park figure for the number of options a hole provides (even in the context of JK's 'reasonable' parameters). But:
What I find even more interesting is the NATURE of those options, as JES sees them, i.e. not so much in terms of direction (e.g. playing left or right of a centre-line bunker) as in terms of club selection, and that in the very concrete context of trying to get the ball in the hole in the fewest number of strokes.
It makes me think that good players really DO think differently about options (and design?) than mediocre ones...or at least, than THIS mediocre one, whose thoughts immediately went to the "A" "B" "C" "D" kind of drawings with which the old designers would illustrate a hole's various options, depending on skill level