At the end of the day, I like playing new fun/tough/great/unique/quaint golf courses, and Ran and his reviews is probably what drew many to the website. However there is a new kid in town and I do find Joe Top 100 (plus a few more) to be an interesting read.
Joe's reviews:'s reviews (and a little John and Ben?) enjoy both, but this is so let's dig a little deeper.
Obviously Ran does a better job with photography and having the course "tell its story" to the reader. It is said that there are no negative reviews because he simply will not write up a bad review and instead keeps it to himself. Of course, after a Ran visit and no write-up, there are many rumors! Ran does not talk much about "the club", he is focused on the course.
Joe drinks the juice and seems to buy into all of the local lore surrounding a course and the club. However, he goes the other way too where that cop at the Fishers ferry will arrest you if you don't have a couple of relatives buried on Fishers.

However, his finding (hopefully accurate) that Trump and Sebonack use the same PR firm is interesting.
In the era of Google Earth, both need to add aerials with the routings to their reviews.
Thoughts from the treehouse???