I'd agree our games work out differently. BUT... I was thinking of this not in terms of my game so much as anyone's. I do believe there are many places to lose multiple strokes quickly at CPC... 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 all come to mind as having dunes that can mean huge scores. Of course PB has the ocean, on 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18... Just to me it's pretty equal. And in terms of bleeding out bogeys, I find that pretty equal also. Each course has greens that will make this happen; I just believe Pebble's subtlety will mean 3 putts, whereas CPC's strong contours on some can mean worse than that, when they are at speed anyway.
It's an interesting comparison for sure. I guess my main point is those who find CPC to be easy would have to be VERY good players. And I'd say the bogey player will play to his handicap there perhaps a little more often just because it's shorter... but the potential for high scores most definitely exists at each.