It would totally make sense to overplay Macdonald's involvement.
Put yourself in their shoes. Your burgeoning membership has appointed you and four equally inexperienced others to a committee to build them a new course. What's more, the old run of the mill course won't do anymore, because several of your members are well-connected and quite aware of places like Myopia, and Garden City, and what's going on out at Oakmont, and Shawnee, and many vacation out in the Hamptons and have seen NGLA and the old Philadelphia inferiority complex is rearing its head and trying to stay competitive.
Worse yet, you have local golf writers like Tillinghast, and then Travis dropping by, and the whole golf scene on the eastern seaboard is like an 9th-month pregnant woman, just about ready to burst with new ideas and excitement and you're doing all you can to keep up and do right by your membership.
Someone, somewhere suggests that you should go see Charles Macdonald who is not only the most famous golfer in the country at the time, but who has also just completed the first iteration of NGLA to widespread acclaim. You and your committee feel pretty ill-prepared for the task at hand, and the more you learn, the less you feel you know. Macdonald is willing to meet with the lot of you if you come out to his place and host your overnight. He's gracious, and still in that innocent stage of a man proud of his new creation and unburdened by future expectations.
You need "Street Cred", especially with the members back home, and you need to show progress. So, you tell them that you've gone out to study with the great Macdonald at NGLA and his advice was of the highest order and value. You tell them that he'd be happy to come out and check out the course the next summer, and give further advice.
Wouldn't this have given Wilson and his team instant credibility and added star power and incredible cache to the Merion project?
No longer was it just Hugh and his 4 Merry Men trying to come up to speed quickly and build a course that not only the members of Merion, but all of Philadelphia golf could be proud of?
No, instead, it's the Merion Committee, costarring the world Famous Charles Blair Macdonald and HJ Whigham, both former US AMateur champions, and fresh from their stunning success at NGLA.
Imagine today a bunch of guys in Peking building one of the first courses in mainland China, and they all of a sudden have the ability to get Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods involved in the project in an "advisory" way. What do you think they'd do?