Kyle - There's no payment in kind here, that is except if don't contribute, and then you are the recipient.
Are you suggesting that your content contributions justify you not making a financial contribution??
I'll take your usage to mean the impersonal you. If between rent, a car payment and paying back student loans among other expenses on my Spray Tech's salary I find the extra $71.00 to give to Ran, my check will be in the mail. Until then, I'll provide content, knowledge and a generally good attitude to the site as my contribution.
To some extent, yes. When one contributes time and effort to a well researched In My Opinion article, thread or My Home Course - that is a contribution of content. I am willing that most of the unique hits this site receives are because of that content and NOT because of the discussion board.
That content is searchable on google, the discussion board content is not.
When I first came across this site, I rarely, if ever, read the discussion board material for the first year or so and instead found myself content to read the articles posted under those other three sections.
I understand that Ran can run this site because of the financial contributions of those who make it, however, there wouldn't be much of a site without the content contributions of others.