Greens that run at 7, hopeful have severe-ish contours, allows for playing the ball closer to the ground, being more aggresive with approachs and promotes a 4-9 iron Chip shot, versus lob wedge lob wedge lob wedge. Bringing more clubs into the mix is a good thing, idn't it?. And, While I hate to sound like Johnny Miller, adding the element of grain, is challenging, both physically, and mentally.
As someone who is currently going back and forth between two courses, One, runs 10+ and the other is currently in that 7 range, I find the greater challenge is going to the slower. Adapting to faster greens, does not appear to be that much of a problem. (based on my lowest round of the year yesterday on those Corey Crandall greens with serious ball creeeep)
Both are fun,, imo.