Let's face it, we like to wear the logo of places we've played and liked. Sometimes it's a status conference issue, other times its the happy memory of a round well played, money won, etc.
Foregoing the reasons for purchase and wearing, I propose a Shirt Scale to rating courses:
4 Shirts (Well not necessarily 4 shirts, but a vest, a rain jacket, coasters, etc.) - A course that is either so over the top good that your friends will hate you for not having been able to join you, or is so far away they can only marvel to the fact that you made the effort to take three planes and 5 innoculations to play it.
3 Shirts - A course who's logo is not readily identifiable, but you should know about the course, e.g. Myopia, The Creek Club, etc. This classification is almost better because the person had to ask you where the logo was from, and then feels like a dolt because they should have known it.
2 Shirts - A course that is on the must play list, but there is no real value to wearing it because the logo is so common. Everyone attending the tournament has multiple examples, but they have never played the course.
1 Shirt - Nice course, fun to play, significant in an architectural sense, but you reach for it on a cold moring because you will be layering and covering it up with a sweater and a windbreaker. Besides, you are saving shirts with higher value for warmer weather.
Rate away...