For those of you attending this weekend, I cannot emphasize enough about hydration.
While many will tell you that over-hydration is just as bad, in the case of extreme desert heat, especially those who aren't familiar with it--at all times there is no reason why you shouldn't have a bottle of cool water and a cool towel to wrap around your neck and/or to wipe your face and arms off with at all times.
From experience in my trade we have a saying that, "if your thirsty, it's too late." The reason why your thirsty is because your body wants to lower your body temperature and it needs cool fluids to do so. I've seen complete grown monsters of men faint from not drinking enough fluids and keeping themselves cool and then thinking that they were strong enough to handle it. Is it really worth it?
Speaking from experience the day I played Merion, and Mike Cirba and Willie Dow can back this up, I had more or less hit the wall and almost didn't want to admit it. I wasn't used to extreme humidity, just like many of you aren't going to be used to extreme dry heat. What happened is that I couldn't finish one fo the GREAT courses in this Sport. I would hate to think some of you might try to think you can play beyond your personal limits, with the result a quick and fast trip to the emergency room @ Eisnehower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage.
All of the courses will have more then enough cool water for you. If you don't have a bottle on you at all times, you are putting yourself in danger--why do that on a weekend where we are all out to have a great time?
Make sure you have a towel on you not just for cleaning your golf ball, but one to keep damp with cool water. I suggest this from experience of playing in the Palm Desert during the warm months for many, many years.
While going against the grain of most of our golfing pursuits, at Stone Eagle we will be
REQUIRED to take a golf cart. There is no need for any of us to prove to one another that we can walk in even the most radiant of heat. For those of you who haven't played in the rocks of the desert, it is no different then being in a BBQ full of charcol briquettes!
Meanwhile, both the Palms and The Plantation are very walkable golf courses. Walking is your option, but it highly suggested that those of you that wish to to walk, have at least one cart in the group which to strap all of your bags on to, taking turns driving, as well as loaded with water and ice.
At the Plantation, you will see actual grapefruit trees on the course. While much of the grapefruit has been recently picked, if their is any left, feel free to indulge in a club ritual of enjoying their delicious citrus, ripe from the tree which also mixes quite well in your bottle of water! This will also keep you cool and refreshed.
And also most important......
I'm looking forward to seeing you all!