I'm not sure where you are coming from on these various USGA threads, but on this one, I'll answer to the best of my ability.
1. Yes, there are other national, "state" and regional associations which are just as good if not better than the USGA in terms of "provid(ing) comprehensive amateur tournaments and amateur organization and structure." Off the top of my head I can think of the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish Golf Unions who are just as good and probably better.
2. This question is irrelevant as the USGA is the only national association which is also one of the two international rule making bodies.
3. In my experience, the regional and local associations in GBI are stronger (and more effective) than those in the US.
4. No other nation is close to the USA vis a vis an intercollegiate golfing structure (NCAA).
5. I think there are many national and regional junior golf programs which are better than those in the USA. Otherwise, why would GBI whip ass in the Walker Cup so much more often than they should do, given the resources available to both sides? Why does the US underperform so much in terms of great (top 100) golfers produced per number of active golfers?
6. Your hypothetical is unanswerable, as there are many comparitors as good or better than the US/USGA structure, organisation and offerring. I've named 4 of them above.
Surely you can't argue with this logic!