I too think it's cool we have a 16 yr old here - especially one with the great stories that Jordan has.
To that end, it might be time for me to trot out my "greatest round ever" story again... nah, I've told it too many times. Just rest assured it involves my Dad and Pebble Beach.
If there's anything better than Parent/Child golf (changing that from Father/Son to allow for all of the Mothers and daughters), then I've yet to see it.
Enjoy Bandon, Jordan - but more importantly enjoy the time with your Dad. I know it sounds weird, and we're all old fuddy-duddies telling you this, but you're gonna have a lot of great memories someday, but few will likely top these.
ps - seriously, use the rickshaws at Bandon. You're gonna think they look weird for sure, but man do they work well.