Have you ever though about how weird this is?
Have you ever stopped to think about how CRAZY it is that freaks like us, who can eat, sleep and drink something as frigging ODD as golf course architecture - EVEN when most of us haven't got a damned thing to do with it - beyond the fact that it dictates the stage for our obsession?
Well if you haven't, let me tell you - it IS.
I got to thinking about who you guys are. Who are the people behind these little notes that have me laughing, dreaming, looking at maps of far away places, checking their weather stats, and pacing the floor thinking of something smart enough to reply?
And it's even crazier how two-dimensional you all are!
I have so little to go on. What's a human being when seen only through the portal of a single one of his obsessions?
Well, I'll tell you. (Please forgive me if I miss you - I only have so much energy to write. You are ALL important to this fantasy world of cyber-philosophical-golf-related-discourse) I hope I don't offend anyone. This is all fiction and just me rambling on about people I don't really know - but who still affect my everyday life.
Note: I have never met, listened to, or seen (in real life) a single one of you. All of my experience has come from this board or some other form of written material.
Brad Klein:
Tall, thin, interesting and interested. Intellectual and a bit offside - the Frank Zappa of the golf realm.
Tommy Nacarrato:
Heavy-set, Dark, a nerd as a kid. Super smart, with a mind that can go anywhere - as can his mouth. He knows a little about an awful lot. He's fun, and kind, creative and intense. He's somewhere between David Lean, Tony Saprano and Lee Trevino. He has a deep voice and a soft heart.
Tom Doak
Tom was a dork as a kid too. He didn't discover girls until the tenth grade. Not because he didn't like them, but because he didn't think they liked him. He's a kind one - but he's careful about opening himself to injury. His opinions sometimes override his kindness because he's driven by a deep - almost religious sense of right and wrong - forgive him if he's pissed you off. He can't help it, because he's driven by a deep belief in what's best. That's the best any man can do.
A pain in the ass. But one who knows that a pain in the ass can be the difference between never opening your eyes and seeing the light of day. He's a warm-hearted guy who is actually a lot softer than anyone might know. And he's afraid that you don't like him.
Tom Macwood
Tom is tall and thin and upright in appearance. He loves a library and tea in the evening. He trusts history more than innovation. He was close to his mother - maybe still is. He loves a warm kitchen. He's smart - but never smart enough to satisfy his own standards. But everyone else thinks he's one sharp cat.
TE Paul:
Tom is an older gentleman. I picture him in tweed - a jacket he always thought looked like something Old Tom Morris might have worn. He used to smoke a pipe - and never did throw it away after he quit. He's a sweet man - sharp and full of wit and warmth. He's a little bit elite - but he can't help it. He is impressed by a man who knows how to tie a good knot. Tom Paul is the living spirit of what we're losing in our world. I hope he's contagious.
Kyle Harris:
Is young and competitive and bright. He's alive and moving. He's connected to his roots and wants to keep it that way. He's got a lot to say, but he's only half-sure that it's worth hearing. He's here to find out. He's good. Better than he knows.
Lou Duran:
Short, strong and dark-haired. Lou works hard to appear as if he's a fortress unto himself. But he's not. He's as unsure as anyone, but hopes so hard that he's a good man that he seems to be a stone foundation of security. He's tough - but fair. He's honest and true and bull-headed and stubborn. And why not?
Jeff Mingay
Jeff is an up-and-comer. He wants to play with the big boys and respects all of those who have come before him in his obsession. He's hoping to be worthy of your respect. He's sharp and quick - he studies hard and consumes information at an incredible rate. He's articulate and eager to share. He's the future of this art - reach out to him, if you can - he'll appreciate it and remember it.
Ran Morrissett:
Is younger than you'd think. You'd imagine him as an older British Gentleman, but he's not. He's much younger than you think. Mild mannered, intelligent and thoughtful. Ran is a thinker and a doer. A natural leader - level for the most part, but has a streak of danger in him that can get him into tricky places - and has over the years now and then...
Maybe I'll add some more. Maybe I'll delete this. It just seems interesting to think about. Who ARE we to each other, anyway?
Maybe I shouldn't drink and post...