I suspect that you've fallen victim to the most common ploy of new Presidents, Finance and Green Chairman.
I'd ask three questions,
The first to the superintendent. Is it currently adequate
Second, who is asking me to cut the green budget,
Third, why ?
This may be the request of a misquided President, or Green Chairman.
The critical question isn't to ask, "where can we cut"
The critical question is, is our budget adequate ?
I've seen this question asked over and over and over again.
It ties into my earlier posts where I cited the size of the green budget as the source of its targeting.
I think this is a dangerous exercise because it implies that there's waste or fat in your existing budget.
Also, please differentiate, are you talking about your operating, capital or both.
Again, I'd push back and ask WHY ?
And, I'd want an in depth answer from the party making the request.
My initial reaction would be to suggest increasing the budget.
Didn't your golf course just undertake a restoration/renovation ?
And now, some rocket scientist wants to cut the budget just on general principles so they can posture themselves as a hero and efficiency expert.
Don't play the game with them.
Ascertain if your budget is adequate, inadequate or more then adequate. If it's the first two, throw the person out of the meeting.