"Disgusting. ABsolutely Disgusting" -- Allenby "If this was a normal tournament we wouldn't be playing. You can't even walk down the fairways"
[yes, those free pants you are wearing might have to be taken to the cleaners]
Tiger Woods said he'd have been better off putting on a waffle iron :"AT least a waffle iron is the same height..[how sweet, he must be cooking for Elin]...You can hit good putts and look great , and hit good putts and look like an absolute idiot"
Stuart APpleby"The course was really unplayable"
and guess who was the diplomat? Vijay said"You have to just go with the flow...If you let that mentally disturb you you're going to have a problem"
after rereading I know I did not wake up on the wrong side, those cited did whine
mmmmm, they could have withdrawn, couldn't they???