To me the most difficult and ambiguous question re: restorations is what do you restore to (and this is where the trust element that I brought up on one of the other threads comes into play).
Surely no one would suggest that Merion be restored to its original course.
Would anyone suggest GCGC be returned to its pre-Travis, Emmet design (or the other way, if I screwed up who came first)?
In a different vein, but similar question with a twist, would folks recommend Oakland Hills be returned to its pre-Monster status?
Certainly an NGLA or an Oakmont - courses that I think have been relatively well preserved - shouldn't return to their opening yardages.
So how does one determine what to restore to? Do you pick a highpoint date? Do you try to pick common elements?
That's largely where trust comes into play. If you trust Ron Prichard, then you believe that he (and/or the other folks at Aronimink) chose the approach taken because he felt it would yield the best result.
That is not to say that it isn't in everyone's best interests not to question people like RP or to question green committee decisions. I am a firm believer in peer review, and if people get too sensative about asking or answering pointed questions, then I think everyone suffers. And just because you ask pointed questions doesn't mean you don't respect the other individual or his motives.
If peer review cannot be implemented, then we wouldn't have this wonderful forum because the Huck's and Goodale's of the world would have shouted down the true progress leaders with cries of "why means more than how!"
I do think that if one holds evidence of something that is contrary to accepted beliefs and criticises someone based on this evidence, it is also in everyone's best interests to reveal said evidence so that that person can be held up to the same standard of peer review.